Mr. C came home!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I was totally looking forward to picking him up and spending quality time together. But of course that did not happen, because I had to work and while in transition we aren't supposed to miss any days. Booo!!!! But we did get the chance to see each other a few days later so here goes that story....
I didn't get off work until 6pm that Saturday. And I immediately
Back to the story... My lead foot had me arriving earlier than I expected. So I called C to tell him and of course he did not answer...the first time or the second time or the third time. On the 4th call he answers says that he's in the store and could he call me back, not giving me enough time to say "Babe I'm 20 minutes away". So at this point I'm reminding myself that I love him and that he just got back and anything else to keep me from getting annoyed. So Mr. C calls back and I tell him that I am 20 minutes away. What does he tell me???? That he hasn't left his parents yet and that he would be an hour or so. WTF... I remained calm said ok and I love you. Of course I cursed as soon as I got off the phone. In fact I didn't even see when he called me back. I was surprised to see a voice mail, C's message told me that he had sent me a copy of the reservations and called to make sure that I'd be let in. That saved C's a** cause the last thing I wanted to do was sit in a car for an hour. To be continued because it my bedtime =)