Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I'm back, for real this time! Ha

It's been quit a while and a lot has gone on in the last 6 months or so.

 Mr. C and I hit a rough patch...a really rough patch in which he just wasn't as sure about our future as he once was. To say that I was hurt would be an understatement. We were in a limbo for a couple of months, trying to move on as though things were normal but both in a sad place. For him it was hard to know that he was hurting me by having uncertainty and for me it was hard just not knowing.

So I did what I could to focus on what I had control over, my health and career. I told myself and him that I had in fact set a deadline in which I would walk away if we did not come to some understanding. See Mr. C was set to deploy again and I refused to enter another deployment with so much uncertainty. To me two years was more than enough time to know if we were going to the next level or not. To his credit Mr. C is the most kind and loving boyfriend a girl could ask for and he would do anything for me. Mr. C has also had somethings on his plate which contributed to that uncertainty that aren't for me to share.

And then in December everything changed. Mr. C's Car go hit by a bus, you know one of those big commuter buses. I was so scared when I first got his call, but then he told me the only person he wanted to talk to and see after the accident was me.  And for the first time in months I did not feel as anxious about our future anymore.



  1. welcome back ... i've been thinking about you.

    sorry to hear about the rough patch but i have a feeling that there is good news to come. can't wait to read more :)

  2. Aww thank you Faith. I've still been reading blogs, especially yours, just not as active. It means a lot to know I was thought of.

  3. Welcome back! I hope you and Mr. C work things out.
