Monday, May 9, 2011

Gotta Love a Great Pair of Flip Flops.

I hope all the mothers out there had a great day!

I spent the day getting a mani and pedi with my mom and enjoying dinner together. For her mother's day gift I got us her some Fit Flops, we wear the same size ;-)

Below is a picture of my huge feet modeling them:

They are super comfortable and are toning as well. They are a little pricey coming in at $59.99, but so worth it.

There was a really funny moment. C sent me a text saying "Happy Mothers Day Babe". Inside I immediate begin saying oh hell no. But I responded "Thanks. But that wont apply to me for many years to come, Ha". Gotta love him.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Have a Date!!!

....With my kindle. Ha Ha. C is in Georgia with his family and I'm at home with mine. In fact I've been living at home since the end of last September.

For six whole months I've been living with good old pain in the *** Mom and Dad. JK .While I'm grateful to be living rent free... moving back home after being out on your own sucks. Like sucks big time! My Mom and I are too much alike.

I miss my own space....

And I might be slightly jealous of C moving to his new place, since I decided not to move in together again just yet. But hey it will all work out, at least I can get away on the weekends.

Have any of you ladies ever had to stay at home again? Please tell me I'm not alone.

Friday, May 6, 2011

C's Home...Continued.


So I arrived at the hotel checked and then everything hit me at once. C was back, like really back in the states and I was going to be seeing him in a few moments. I started to get nervous....

So the hour wait comes and goes and C is still not here. I'm getting more anxious and annoyed at the same time. I call C and he says he's downstairs. Awesome! So I wait some more and another thirty minutes go by. I call C again, he tells me he's on his way and that he went to the wrong hotel!!! Really??? Who does that evidently C who went to the Marriott and not the J.W. Marriott. 

At this point my nervousness has reached an all time high. I couldn't sit still, I couldn't focus on TV, I kept checking the peep hole and of course he still hadn't arrived. Then finally I hear the door start to open and there he is in person. 

I think we just stood there with our arms locked around each other for a good five minutes. He was home again and it felt like he never left. All was right again. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm back!!!!!!

Hello. Sorry I was so lazy busy and have not been a good blogger. The past month or so has been kind of hectic. 

Mr. C came home!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I was totally looking forward to picking him up and spending quality time together. But of course that did not happen, because I had to work and while in transition we aren't supposed to miss any days. Booo!!!! But we did get the chance to see each other a few days later so here goes that story....

I didn't get off work until 6pm that Saturday. And I immediately ran walked briskly to my car. I had already packed and filled my gas tank, which almost drove me to tears, so I was able to hit the road immediately. I hopped on I-20 and my lead foot took over. You see Mr. C is temporarily stay in GA until he starts at his new base this month.  So...He rented a 4 star hotel for us in downtown Atlanta to enjoy for the weekend.  

Back to the story... My lead foot had me arriving earlier than I expected. So I called C to tell him and of course he did not answer...the first time or the second time or the third time. On the 4th call he answers says that he's in the store and could he call me back, not giving me enough time to say "Babe I'm 20 minutes away".  So at this point I'm reminding myself that I love him and that he just got back and anything else to keep me from getting annoyed. So Mr. C calls back and I tell him that I am 20 minutes away. What does he tell me???? That he hasn't left his parents yet and that he would be an hour or so. WTF... I remained calm said ok and I love you. Of course I cursed as soon as I got off the phone. In fact I didn't even see when he called me back.  I was surprised to see a voice mail, C's message told me that he had sent me a copy of the reservations and called to make sure that I'd be let in. That saved C's a** cause the last thing I wanted to do was sit in a car for an hour.  To be continued because it my bedtime =)