Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So its my Birthday

And I will be honest it is a little depressing.

My mom, who I love with all my heart, pissed me the freak off. I mean to the point where I got back home from training around 12pm ish, I got back in my car and drove around until 1:30 ish.

Now I'm kind of feeling a little bad about my morning outburst. It is not my usual behavior, I mean I did not even want them to sing Happy Birthday.

Does anyone else feel guilty when they feel upset with other people even when they have a right to? Cause I'm starting to feel hella guilty.

It has been a rough couple of weeks, but you can only blog but so much about negative stuff you know?

So positives:
It is my birthday.
I think I like my new job.
I have not cut my hair off.
My new job has a gym that only cost 15 bucks a month on site!
Its closer to Mr. C getting back home.